Covent Garden


Pub time: PM6:00 - AM0:00 (Fri, Sat - AM4:00)
Payment: Cash On DeliveryWe take the orderat the counter

Other Event information ishere

Please make yourself or yourselves as much as you can.

HappyHour HappyHour
Happy-Hour: PM6:00 - PM8:00

GUINNESS BEER (1pint) 670yen

GUINNESS BEER(1/2 pint) 400yen

Yebisu BEER(1/2 pint) 400yen

Many standard cocktails 420yen

Drink menuDrink

GUINNESS BEER (1paint) 850yen

GUINNESS BEER(3/4 pint) 750yen

GUINNESS BEER(1/2 pint) 550yen
There are many other beers

Food menuFoods

Fish & Chips 800yen

Chicken & Chips 800yen
There are many other foods.

PartyMenu PartyMenu
There are party menus as well.
Come together: Post main party, Year end party etc!

Please make reservation for the party. All 120 minutes course.
Please contact us for more detail.

3150yen course (need reservation, 120 min)
Easy Plan
Except Saturday, Friday and on and around national holiday
- Meals(5 Plates)
(Example) Salad, hors d'oeuvre, Fish&Chicken&Chips
Shepherd pie, pizza
- FreeDrinks
Beers, Cocktails (amoung 30), Whiskies, Alcohol Free Drinks

4200yen course (need reservation, 120 min)
Gourmet Plan
Saturday, Friday and on and around national holiday is OK as well as the week days!!
- Meals(7 Plates)
(Example) Salad, hors d'oeuvre, Fish&Chicken&Chips
Shepherd pie, pizza, pilaf, desert
- FreeDrinks
Beers, Cocktails (amoung 30), Whiskies, Alcohol Free Drinks

5000yen course (need reservation, 120 min)
Love beers! Satisfaction Plan
Saturday, Friday and on and around national holiday is OK as well as the week days!!
- Meals(7 Plates)
(Example) Salad, hors d'oeuvre, Fish&Chicken&Chips
Shepherd pie, pizza, pilaf, desert
- FreeDrinks
Guinness and bass beer free!!
Beers, Cocktails (amoung 30), Whiskies, Alcohol Free Drinks

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Thank you very much for having a look at our HP!

If you have any request or question, please feel free to contact us by telephon or e-mail.